Head Shots with Infinitus Studios

Whether it’s work or play, Head Shot Photography is our Bread & Butter work

Commercial Head Shot Photography

Images of people are important. Whether it’s a simple case of putting a face to a name or introducing a team as a front image to a service, images are very strong communicators when used by businesses.

Seeing a person behind the business can lend credibility to the business, affirm that it’s not a faceless organisation, give you a focal point of contact but also a stronger point is that it can tell you more about the business and the likely relationship you are likely to have with that business.

Team Photography

Many businesses now have an area aside to introduce staff members either in their reception or 

Simply seeing a friendly face on a website can connect a potential client to your business and encourage the client to contact you by person. Photographs encourage both clients and customers to interact with individuals.

​A perfect example is with personal trainers in a gym environment. In this example photographs link the face to a name and makes you feel like you could know someone, connecting you more with the business at the same time.

Celebrating Staff

Do you ever have an employee of the month celebration?

​Many firms like to encourage their staff by celebrating their positive contributions to the business by naming them on a team board. 

Apart from being great for overall morale, it also helps members of staff, sometimes in large organisations to get to know other staff members. 

Putting a Face to a Name...

Ok, I know I’m not the prettiest of photographers on the catwalk… However, I love it when people have seen me on our website and then meet in person.

Studio clients often tell us that they’ve looked at this page and love to see who they’re dealing with. 

Before people have met me or spoken to the Studio, they associate an image with the brand and then build an impression of our company and what the business does.  

We know from experience how helpful this is to us.

My name is Craig but the way… In case any of you were wondering!